FL: Ocala sex offender jailed after registering a day late

[ocala-news.com – 6/4/20]

An Ocala man was arrested Monday after he showed up a day late to update his registration as a sex offender.

Shaun David Killie, 33, of 4055 NW 63rd St., was supposed to re-register during the month of May. He was reminded when he updated his vehicle information in December 2019 and again in February, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office report.

Killie reported Monday to the sheriff’s office sexual offender unit and completed a late registration for May 2020. He had no excuse for not registering on time. He said, “life happened,” and that he showed up Monday when he remembered he hadn’t registered, the report said.


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Arresting him for being a day late is stupid and a waste of time/money. However he should of been on top of his price club membership especially if he’s been civilly punished before. How is this protecting children or honoring children that have died from awful crimes? Special place in Hell for lawmakers that passed these laws!!

Who knows if he actually said that, but “life happened” is rarely a persuasive excuse for anything.

The registry is a civil penalty, but if you violate it, then it’s a criminal penalty. For missing the the registration period by a day, he get put into jail? Interesting. How can the registry be both civil and criminal simultaneously? It shouldn’t.

Didn’t a court rule a defined intentionality was necessary to convict. ???? A one day slip does not meet that standard. He walks by judge on this one, but only if he does agree to register.
If it is a felony charge, he’s a right to trial by jury of peers. On a crowded docket no judge has time for that. Next!

Yeah….we’ll schedule your Registration 15 days after your Birthday and if you miss your appointment……….you’re fuct.

I believe there is a 10 day grace period that if you cannot make the date you can re-schedule.
However, I know where I register that someone tried to re-schedule 3 times in a row.
As far as I know, if you do not register, the sheriff is supposed to come to your house and tell you that you must register and do so ASAP.
Maybe the laws are different from state to state.

The bottom line is that he went in to register. If he wanted to abscond or fall under the radar, he would have not come in at all. End of Story. Leave him alone and treat him like the free person he should be since the registry is only administrative, or is it?

Back in 2003 I didn’t register at all for over 9 months! This was in Virginia. A State Policeman called me and asked if we could meet at a 7-11 so that I could complete the registration. There was no hassle whatsoever, and he acted like it was just a formality. I guess that wouldn’t fly today.

By the way 5/31/2020 was on a Sunday, and I’m not clear if the registration office in Florida was even open on a Sunday.

Remember registering a day late one time. Registering officer told me “You know I could arrest you right now, but you’re here and that’s what matters”. Closest I’ve come to this situation. Should have gave the dude a break with all the turmoil going on.